Vol. 2 No. 11 (2023): Jurnal Multidisiplin Indonesia

Published: 2023-11-03

School Financing Management In Improving The Quality Of Islamic Education

View: 44 3540-3545

Management Of T'alim Muhadatsah Activities In Improving Arabic And English Ability For Students Gontor Campus 7: Using The Management Model Of George R, Terry

View: 148 3534-3539

Creating A Linear Regression Curve For Loi (Loss Of Ignition) Testing PT Semen Tonasa Hotmeal Using X-Ray

View: 58 3715-3724

Management Curriculum and Intelligence Emotional in Improving the Quality of Learning Elementary school

View: 63 3521-3527


The Role of the Jamik Kauman Mosque in Regency Society Sragen, Central Java

View: 45 3642-3650

Improving the Quality of Graduates in Maintaining the Existence of Islamic Boarding Schools

The Correlation Of Green Chemistry And Environmental Knowledge On Students’ Environmental Care Behavior

View: 93 3577-3585

Implementation of Public Relations Management in Increasing Parental Participation in Elementary Schools

View: 40 3606-3611