Volume 3 Number 7 July 2024 E-ISSN:
2963-2900 | P-ISSN: 2964-9048 https://jmi.rivierapublishing.id/index.php/rp
This research is based on the
need for clean water, a vital human need. PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City
is a BUMD responsible for providing clean water in Cirebon City. It has a
complaint service to handle various customer problems. This study aims to
discover the Customer Complaint Handling Service at the Tirta Giri Nata
Regional Public Company (PERUMDA) Tirta Giri Nata, Cirebon City. The research
method is qualitative descriptive, using data collection techniques through
interviews, observations, and documentation. Public services are a benchmark
for the performance of government agencies, and PERUMDA, as one of the BUMDs,
is required to provide optimal water services to the community. Along with the
times, the public bureaucracy must be more responsive and continue improving
its services' quality. This study measures punctuality, service accuracy,
politeness, and friendliness of employees, ease of getting services, comfort,
service support facilities, and obstacles and efforts. There are still several
aspects that need to be improved by PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City, such
as clarity of information regarding the certainty of complaint settlement time,
disclosure of information regarding the certainty of complaint settlement time,
and more friendly facilities for people with disabilities.
Keywords: service, handling, customer complaints
Water is a basic need for human life that God Almighty
bestows for all life on earth, one of which is the need for drinking water.
This is by the provisions of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2019
concerning Water Resources, which explains that the development of drinking
water supply systems is the responsibility of the government and local
governments to achieve community welfare.
Water is one of the public goods consumed by the
community, managed by the state, and guaranteed by the government, so a
management system related to water supply is needed to support the community's
water needs. Therefore, good water management is one way to optimize regional
water distribution. But in reality, the amount of water available is limited,
making it difficult for people to get clean water, so the need for clean water
is not fully met. Water is important in supporting the well-being and development of the
community's well-being. As the population increases, the need for water
increases, which will increase further. (Syafirah
& Nawangsari, 2021)
According to law no. 23 Article 1 paragraph 5 of the 2014 Law on Government
Affairs is a Government Power which is the power of the President and is
implemented by central ministries and local government organizers to protect,
serve, empower, and prosper the community. Government affairs in public works
are transferred to the regions to transfer drinking water services to local
governments. In addition, the implementation is handed over to agencies through
regional regulations. The agency is the Regional Public Drinking Water Company
(PERUMDA), where PERUMDA is a regionally-owned enterprise. (Istiqomah
& Takwin, 2020) Drinking water companies are
managed by the government,
the regions engaged
of distribution of for,
both humans, animals, is
because air is important for life and security, especially for people who need
air for drinking, drinking, menisci, etc. (Riyanto,
The management and provision of clean water in Cirebon City are owned by a
Regionally Owned Enterprise (BUMD) under the name of the Regional Public
Company for Drinking Water (PERUMDA) Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City, which was
established in 1958. To achieve PERUMDA's goal of achieving clean water, it is
necessary to provide good public services, including administrative and
technical complaint services, to the community. Each office, branch or service
unit handles all complaint services. This service is needed to help various
community problems get immediate treatment so that these problems can be solved
quickly and appropriately.�
Service is an activity carried out by the organization as an answer to the
needs of consumers, which will leave a lonely person for consumers. With a good
service, consumers feel sensible, so (Aprilia
et al., 2020)
Sinan Bella, in the book "Public Service Reform" (2014: 5),
states, "Public service is the satisfaction of the wants and needs of the
community by state managers. The goal is to improve public services." In essence,
the state means that "the government (bureaucracy) must be able to meet
the needs of the community. The needs here are not individual needs, but
various needs that are actually expected by the community, such as the need for
health, education, and others." Thus, public services refer to the
services provided by institutions community (Sinambela,
The Regional Public Company for Drinking Water (PERUMDA) Tirta Giri Nata
Cirebon City is a regionally owned enterprise (BUMD) that operates the drinking
water supply system in Cirebon City. PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata is needed to meet
the need for clean water. PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City is also a
community service unit. As a community service unit, especially in water
distribution, PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata must make customers/communities feel
satisfied with the services provided. As a company engaged in water
distribution, PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata must always pay attention to water
quality, infrastructure maintenance, etc. Suppose PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata does
not pay attention to these things, especially customer satisfaction with the
services provided by PERUMDA. In that case, there will be many customer
complaints or complaints.
Based on
observations made by researchers, there are many public complaints about the
PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City service against administrative and
technical customer complaints. One of the services that customers complain
about is that the complaint process is not transparent, and customers do not get
adequate explanations or information regarding the certainty of the waiting
time for the complaint process, both administratively and technically. This
creates confusion and anxiety for customers, especially those needing urgent
handling. Water pipe leaks often occur in various areas,
causing water waste and disrupting community activities. This shows the lack of
adequate infrastructure maintenance by PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata, and customers
often receive water bills that are not by their water usage, which causes
distrust and disappointment in the water meter recording system and billing
Previous research conducted by Yanto Heryanto, such as Service Quality the� Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAMl) of the Indramayu Branch.
The formulation of the problem in this study is 1) How is the Service for Handling Customer Complaints
at the Regional Public Company of Drinking Water (PERUMDA) Tirta Giri Nata,
Cirebon City 2) What are the obstacles faced by PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata,
Cirebon City, 3) What are the efforts made by PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata, Cirebon
City in handling complaints made by customers. So the objectives of this study
are 1) To find out the Customer Complaint Handling Service at the Regional
Public Company of Drinking Water (PERUMDA) Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City 2) To
find out the obstacles faced by PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City in dealing
with complaints made by customers 3) To find out the efforts made by PERUMDA
Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City in handling complaints made by customers.
This study uses descriptive qualitative research. The researcher chose
to use descriptive qualitative research because it gives voice to management.
In this research, it is important to understand their perspective directly,
such as the title that the researcher raised, Customer Complaint Handling
Services at the Regional Public Company of Drinking Water (PERUMDA) Tirta Giri
Nata Cirebon City. The researcher wants to know the perspective of customers
directly towards the service that wPERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City gavety.
Descriptive qualitative research also delves into a phenomenon in depth and
comprehensively. Descriptive qualitative research aims to describe the object
being studied by exploring facts and data by certain goals or fields and describing
situations or events in real life.
The subject of the
study is a customer of PERUMDA
Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City. The determination of customers as
informants is carried out through an administrative technique, namely
appointing customers that the researcher finds at the research location when
submitting complaints to PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City and PERUMDA Tirta
Giri Nata Cirebon City employees. The determination of PERUMDA employees as
informants uses purposive techniques,
namely the appointment of research subjects, which is aimed directly at
employees the researcher considers to be interested in and understand the
problem being researched. Meanwhile, the key informants are:
Sri Widianwati, S.T. (Head of Customer Service)
Teguh Budiman (Head of Customer Data Evaluation and Complaint
Yuriska Nur Larasati (Water Usage Recording Admin)
Namira Ulfah, A.Md. (Customer Data Evaluation and Complaint Staff)
Data collection techniques: the data collected by the researcher are as
follows: 1) Literature Study, which is a data collection technique by studying
literature, books, documents and other written sources that are related to the
problem that the author uses as reference material and reference for research
2) Field Study, consisting of Observation, which is a data collection technique
by holding direct observations at the research location, Interviews, namely
data collection methods, information mining through
Data validity verification and triangulation techniques are used to
check the validity of data from various sources in various ways and at
different times. Therefore, there are various types of triangulation based on
the type of triangulation, such as of the results of
observations in the field and the results informants 2) Make a
comparison of the data between what is broadcast in the public room and what is
conveyed in the private room 3) Make a comparison between the results of the
interview and documents obtained from other sources.
Data analysis technique
The data collection technique obtained by the researcher through
interviews, observations, and documentation using Gespersz Theory has six
indicators (Hardiyansyah,
1. Punctuality,
including waiting time and processing time. This is closely related to the
professionalism of government officials. High professionalism will show actions
that obey the law, values, and principles in public service.
2. Service accuracy,
which includes being free from errors. The public services provided to the Tuas
community will have an impact on all recipients of public services. Therefore,
the public services provided must be the result of studies that have previously
been conducted. The accuracy of public services will be created when the
formulation of public services has gone through a trial before being applied to
the community. Apparatus, in this case, also needs to receive training to
understand and implement the service system. Thus, the apparatus will serve
with guaranteed quality so that they can find solutions to community problems
related to public services. Service accuracy requires continuous improvement in
value following the needs of the community in public services.
3. Politeness and
friendliness in providing service. This has been regulated in the Public
Service Law, which is related to the values in the principles of public
service. This indicator is often underestimated but is one of the main factors
in the quality of public services that is very important. When the services
provided override this factor, comfort will not be created, and in the end, the
community will be dissatisfied with the services that have been provided. This
means that the quality of public services will not be created if the indicators
of politeness and hospitality are ignored.
4. Ease of getting
services. This is manifested by supporting facilities in service; for example,
the resources of the organizing apparatus are sufficient, and the supporting
facilities in the office are also complete and strategically located so that
they are easy to reach. This indicator is a basic need in the implementation of
public services.
5. Convenience in
obtaining services. Comfort is related to service rooms, waiting rooms,
toilets, cleanliness, and other things. Comfort is indeed not a program that
directly leads to the provision of services substantially; rather, it is ethics
and aesthetics that can be considered as a supporting factor for indicators.
Convenience will foster service recipient satisfaction, and service recipient
satisfaction is a sign of quality service.
6. Service support
facilities, such as parking lots, information availability, seating and so on.
These supporting facilities are needed to complement public services. In
essence, the existence of public service facilities will increase public
satisfaction for the sake of improving the quality of public services.
Research Results
The implementation of public
services is a form of effort to fulfil the right of all people to obtain
services for the needs of goods, services, and administrative services, which
are the functions of the state in order to create people's welfare. (Herdini & Widiyarta, 2020) The object of this research is the Service of Handling at the Regional
Public Company of Drinking Water
�Customer service at PDAM receives
various complaints. These various complaints can be submitted directly or
through social media. According to Rambat Lupiyoadi in the journal
(Nugroho Dwi Priyohadi et al., n.d.) products or services that are used.
Customer complaints must be treated as "input" for the organization
or company and provide an opportunity for service improvement PERUMDA is not
only seen as a BUMD that is required to be profit-oriented but also as one of
the economic actors who provide satisfaction to the community as consumers.
This condition is an undeniable reality because, on the one hand, the rapid
population growth results in the potential for water availability getting
smaller, while on the other hand, the amount of water demand continues to
increase. Currently, PERUMDA is the only public service company in the field of
clean water supply, which is coloured by the community as consumers. PERUMDA
Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City has tried to provide services to meet the need for
clean water, but its service often receives complaints from the community or
customers. (Apriliana & Sukaris, 2022)
The problems that are often faced by PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City
are seen from customer complaints, both administrative complaints and technical
complaints. The following is data on customer complaints in 2023, both administratively
and technically:
NO |
Report Types |
Monthly Data for 2023 |
Sum |
Information |
1 |
Complaints |
238 |
209 |
186 |
189 |
228 |
221 |
198 |
155 |
179 |
182 |
129 |
160 |
2.274 |
Number of customers
complaining |
2 |
Technical Complaint
Report (Distribution) |
450 |
360 |
426 |
261 |
366 |
328 |
295 |
305 |
299 |
337 |
376 |
299 |
4.102 |
Number of customers
complaining |
3 |
Technical Complaint
Report (Terra Metter Air) |
488 |
664 |
697 |
651 |
550 |
641 |
1.734 |
1.569 |
1.586 |
1.822 |
2.139 |
2.357 |
14.898 |
Number of customers
complaining |
Total |
1.176 |
1.233 |
1.309 |
1.101 |
1.144 |
1.190 |
2.227 |
2.029 |
2.064 |
2.341 |
2.644 |
2.816 |
21.274 |
Table 1. 2023
Subscription Service Report Recapitulation
Source: PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City
Based on Table 1, the Complaint Service unit consists of administrative
complaints and technical complaints:
Administrative complaints are divided into complaints of increased usage,
complaints of accumulation due to leaks (related to accounts), and changes in
drinking water tariffs. The standard operating procedure or flow is that
customers come to PERUMDA during operational hours, namely, 07.45 to 14.00 WIB.
The flow of administrative complaints is that customers come directly to the
complaint service section, bringing a water account and a photo of the meter.
After that, go to the complaint staff section to check and analyze what the
customer wants to complain about. Then, the complaint staff checks the
customer's data. If the number in the account is greater than the number in the
meter, it means that the fault is in perpetuity. After checking the data, if there
is an error that does not match the number in the meter from the complaint
staff, there will be a check by the field officer from PUPG. After checking,
there will be a photo of the latest meter related to the obstacles experienced.
After the field check, it will be analyzed by the HEAD OF SUBDIVISION, HEAD OF
LP, HEAD OF BM, and HEAD OF DEPARTMENT. After analysis, if the data obtained is
incorrect in Perumda, it will be changed to the financial section (if the
account is changed) in the data processing section if there is a reading error
in Perumda. However, if the data is correct, the staff will tell the customer
not to enter the finance department. Then, the customer is told to go to the
office to pay because the data is correct.
Technical complaints are divided into pipe leaks, water not coming out,
dirty water or smell, and broken water meters. The standard operating procedure
or flow is that customers come to PERUMDA during operational hours, namely,
07.45 to 14.00 WIB. The flow of complaints about technical problems is that
customers come directly to the complaint service department by bringing a
Perumda account, and then the data will be input by the complaint staff to be
used in the technical field of the distribution department. Then, what will
process and check directly to the field related to technical problems is the
distribution section.
Based on the complaint table above, most complaints made by customers are
complaints about technical problems due to frequent pipe leaks, damaged water
meters, water not coming out and others, while most complaints made by
customers about administration are the occurrence of a surge in bills. With
that, the researcher analyzed customer relationship compliant services
(administration) and subscription relationship complaints (technical), and the
types of complaints l
Based on the
results of research that has been carried out services in the Public Company of
the Air Regiones.
1. Timeliness
Punctuality, including waiting time
and processing time. This is closely related to the professionalism of
government officials. High professionalism will show actions that obey the law,
values, and principles in public service.
Regarding the timeliness of service
or the certainty of service delivery, it is stated by� the subscriber "Lack of information
regarding the certainty of the time for the follow-up that has been submitted,
because there is indeed a lack of explanation or information regarding the
certainty of waiting for the follow-up of the complaint service". (interview
March 6, 2024, at 10.35 a.m.).
The quality of service can be seen
from the fast and timely service organizers. Quality service if there is the� standard time of complaint service at PERUMDA
"We inform customers that the time needed to follow up on customer
complaints related to administrative problems is when the customer complains
about administrative problems, we immediately follow up when the customer
complains, but if the customer complains about technical problems, the standard
time that applies is a maximum of 7 working days, because if the problem is
about the complaint technique that comes in a lot while the employees on duty
in the field are limited, then many complaints are cannot be solved according
to customer expectations". (interview March 9, 2024, 09.00).
Based on the results of the
interview above regarding punctuality, the researcher analyzed that Cirebon
City faces challenges in providing services with punctuality standards to
customers. The lack of information regarding the certainty of time for the follow-up
of complaints is one of the factors that need to be improved.
PERUMDA Cirebon City strives to
always handle complaints made by customers quickly complaints of administrative
problems. PERUMDA tries to follow up directly when customers complain, but for
technical complaints, PERUMDA gives a maximum of 7 days to follow up on the
2. Service Accuracy
Service accuracy is related to the
reality or provision of services that are accurate, free from errors, and in
accordance with what is expected by customers. With regard to the accuracy of
the complaint service, it is stated by the customer that:
"In responding to and resolving
complaints related to services, such as pipe damage and the level of accuracy
in recording the use of water meters against the bills received. PERUMDA
Cirebon City informs that complaintsbefore the meter are the responsibility of PERUMDA, If the
complaint is after the meter, it is our responsibility as customers. For
example, leaking a PERUMDA meter that is repaired free of charge, if the meter
is damaged, it is free from PERUMDA. As a meter of customer
responsibility." (interview March 6, 2024, at 13.15).
Service accuracy must always be
improved so that customers can always believe in the services that PERUMDA
provides. Regarding the accuracy of services at PERUMDA Cirebon City, based on
the author's interview with employees, it was stated that:
"For the quality or quality of
PERUMDA Cirebon City, there is a handle in accordance with the SOP, so we work
in accordance with the existing SOP and in accordance with what is complained
about by customers." (interview March 9, 2024, at 09.15).
Based on the results of the
interview above, related to the accuracy of service, the researcher analyzed
that PERUMDA Cirebon City has already provided accurate services to customers
in accordance with applicable SOPs and ensured that every complaint process
carried out by customers was handled quickly and appropriately. PERUMDA is
committed to providing accurate and efficient services so that customers feel
satisfied and trust PERUMDA's services.
3. Courtesy and Hospitality
Courtesy and friendliness in
providing services, especially for those who interact directly with external
consumers. The service image of the service industry is very much determined by
the people of the company who are at the forefront of serving external
consumers directly. With regard to the courtesy and friendliness of the
employees, it is conveyed by the customer that:
"I feel that the service at
PERUMDA is quite polite and friendly. The officers there always provide clear
information and smile when indeed I still don't understand what has been
explained by the employees, it's just that when it's still working hours,
sometimes employees are eating or drinking and snacking outside even though
it's not time to rest." (interview March 6, 2024, at 13.40).
The politeness and friendliness of
employees are to see the extent of the attitude of or complaints. Regarding the
courtesy and friendliness of employees, it is conveyed by employees that:
"As a public service, of
course, the polite and friendly attitude must exist as an employee to customers
as politeness and friendliness that have been regulated in the Public Service
Law related to the values in the principles of public service. This indicator
is often underestimated but is one of the main factors in providing
satisfaction to customers. When the service provided overrides this factor,
comfort will not be created in the end customers will not be satisfied with the
service that has been provided." (interview March 9, 2024, at 09.30).
Based on the results of the
interview above regarding the politeness and friendliness of employees, the
researcher analyzed that the politeness and friendliness of employees at
PERUMDA Cirebon City was considered quite good by customers, who appreciated the
friendly attitude and the provision of clear information in responding to
complaints or complaints. However, there is input related to the behaviour of
employees during working hours who sometimes eat, drink, or buy food outside,
even though it is not time to rest.
4. Ease of Getting Services
The ease of getting services is
realized by supporting facilities in the service; for example, the resources of
the organizing apparatus are sufficient, and the supporting facilities in the
office are also complete and strategically located so that it is easy to reach.
This indicator is a basic need in the implementation of public services.
Regarding the ease of obtaining services, the customer conveyed that:
"I find it quite easy to get
services at PERUMDA. They have several service counters, I feel that the
waiting time to get services at PERUMDA is quite reasonable. Although sometimes
at the end of the month there are quite a lot of queues, but the employees
there work efficiently to serve customers as soon as possible." (interview
March 7, 2024, at 10.10 a.m.).
Regarding the ease of obtaining
services, based on interviews conducted by the author with employees, it is
stated that:
"We ensure easy access by
providing various communication channels, such as telephone, email, and social
media services. In addition, we also have a customer service center that is
ready to help with customer questions or complaints directly." (interview
March 9, 2024, at 09.45).
Based on interviews obtained by
researchers regarding the ease of obtaining services, researchers analyzed that
PERUMDA Cirebon City has shown a strong commitment to improving customer
comfort and satisfaction. Although there are sometimes long queues towards the
end of the month, employees at PERUMDA Cirebon City work efficiently to serve
5. Convenience of Getting Services
Comfort here is related to service
rooms, waiting rooms, toilets, cleanliness, and other things. Comfort will
foster the satisfaction of service recipients, and satisfaction is one of the
signs of quality service. With regard to the convenience of getting service, it
is stated by the customer that:
"I feel quite comfortable and
satisfied with the service provided by PERUMDA. They are always responsive to
my complaints and questions, PERUMDA also has a notification system to
customers when there is a disruption or outage. For example, by sending
messages via SMS or notifications on mobile applications. This will help
customers to be better prepared for such disruptions." (interview March 7,
2024, at 11.30 a.m.).
Regarding the comfort of getting
services, based on interviews conducted by the author with employees, it is
stated that:
"In my opinion, comfort in
getting services at PERUMDA is very important. We always strive to provide
friendly and fast service to customers. For example, by providing responsive
customer service by phone or email, as well as providing clear and easy-to-understand
information about billing and other service procedures. In addition, we also
ensure that our field officers are equipped with adequate knowledge and skills
to handle issues quickly and efficiently. All of this aims to ensure that
customers feel valued and heard when interacting with PERUMDA." (interview
March 9, 2024, 10.00).
Based on the interviews obtained
regarding the convenience of getting services, the researcher analyzed that
PERUMDA Cirebon City has tried to ensure ease of access for customers by
providing various media, communication channels, and customer service centres.
PERUMDA strives to take various steps, such as providing responsive customer
service through various communication channels, providing clear and
easy-to-understand information, and training field officers with adequate
skills. These measures aim to ensure that customers feel valued, heard, and
satisfied with the services provided by PERUMDA Cirebon City.
6. Service Support Facilities
Service support facilities, such as
parking lots, information availability, seating and so on. This supporting
facility is designed to complement public services. In essence, the existence
of public service facilities will increase customer satisfaction for the sake
of creating good public services. With regard to service support facilities, it
is stated by customers that:
"Overall, I feel that the
existing facilities are quite satisfactory. However, it is not friendly to
people with disabilities because the interior of the office is not accessible
to everyone, so it is important to increase access to disabilities for the
convenience of customers with disabilities in using services. Examples include
providing wheelchairs and special lanes for those who use wheelchairs or canes.
In order to be able to evaluate to improve existing facilities and services to
be more disability-friendly." (interview March 8, 2024, at 11.00 a.m.).
Regarding the service support
facilities, based on the interviews conducted by the author with employees, it
is stated that:
"We continue to strive to
improve existing facilities, we always hold a facility check every 2 months, if
there are inadequate facilities, we will immediately repair or replace the
facilities." (interview March 9, 2024, at 10.15 a.m.).
Based on the results of the
interviews that have been conducted above regarding service support facilities,
the researcher analyzed the importance of improving accessibility and services
for people with disabilities. There are still shortcomings in the facilities
provided. Customers expressed inconvenience because the interior of the office
is not yet accessible to everyone, especially people with disabilities, because
there is no special access.�
On the other hand, the company
stated its commitment to improve services by always checking existing
facilities every two months.���
Obstacles faced by the �Tirta Giri Nata Regional Drinking
Water Public Company (PERUMDA) Cirebon City
Based on the results of research that has been
conducted by researchers regarding Customer Complaint Handling Services at
PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata, Cirebon City, the obstacle faced is the lack of
customer understanding of the procedures set by PERUMDA. Lack of customer
understanding of the procedures set by PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City is
one of the main obstacles to complaint handling services.
An example of the customer's lack of
understanding of engineering problems is that the customer knows that if there
is damage or leakage in the pipeline, it is PERUMDA's responsibility, even
though if the damage or leakage occurs after the meter is the responsibility of
the customer himself. Meanwhile, the obstacle faced in the administration
department is the presence of customers who complain about the soaring account
bills that are different from the previous month's bills.
Another obstacle faced by the Cirebon City
PERUMDA is the occurrence of a surge in customer complaints at the end of the
month. Long queues can be seen at each complaint counter towards the end of the
The lack of supporting facilities for people with
disabilities is also an obstacle faced by the Cirebon City PERUMDA, which must
be paid more attention to because it can make it difficult for people with
disabilities to make complaints. Without adequate access, people with
disabilities may have great difficulty reaching the complaint counter and
communicating their concerns with customer service staff. This situation is not
only unfair but also violates their human right to equal service.
Another obstacle that must be considered by
PERUMDA Cirebon City is the habit of employees eating and snacking during
working hours, which not only creates the impression of being less professional
but also interferes with the comfort of customers who come to get services.
Although it may seem trivial, this behaviour can give the impression that
employees do not value work time or do not focus on customer needs. Over time,
this can damage the company's image and reduce customer trust in the services
The lack of clarity regarding the certainty of time is also an obstacle for
PERUMDA Cirebon City because it can make customers confused about the follow-up
to complaints that have been submitted, indicating that there is a deficiency
in providing an adequate explanation of the complaint handling process. Due to
the lack of information provided to customers regarding the steps to be taken
once their complaint is received, customers may feel unsure or confused about
the time it takes to get a response or follow up on the issue they have
Efforts made
by the Regional Public Company for Drinking Water (PERUMDA) Tirta Giri Nata
Cirebon City
Efforts that occurred with the existence of
Customer Complaint Handling Services at PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City.
Based on the results of research that has been carried out by researchers
regarding Customer Complaint Handling Services at PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata,
Cirebon City, the administrative efforts carried out are to provide relief in
the form of instalments for the next month. Efforts in techniques to provide
understanding and education to customers regarding reported complaints.
PERUMDA of Cirebon City must ensure that their
service counters are easily accessible and equipped with adequate facilities,
such as comfortable waiting seats, clean waiting areas, and clear information
about the services available. To overcome this problem, CIREBON City DELAY can
consider several additional steps. One of them is by adding service counters or
extending operational hours during this period. Thus, PERUMDA Cirebon City can
increase their service capacity and reduce customer waiting time. However,
before implementing this step, the Cirebon City PERUMDA must first conduct an
analysis to ensure that the step is indeed necessary and effective.
PERUMDA Cirebon City must pay more attention to
the various needs that customers with disabilities may have, such as
accessibility for wheelchairs or special lanes. By improving accessibility,
especially for people with disabilities, the company is not only fulfilling its
social responsibility but also opening up opportunities to reach more
customers. Before that, a thorough evaluation must be carried out to identify
areas where improvements are needed, as well as involve persons with
disabilities in the process of evaluation and development of facilities.
The Cirebon City PERUMDA needs to make clear
regulations regarding meal, drink, and snack hours for its employees. These
regulations must be enforced consistently to create good work discipline among
employees. By setting special hours for eating, drinking, and snacking,
employees will focus more on their duties during working hours and reduce
disruptions that can disrupt service to customers. This regulation also needs
to be supported by an effective supervision and control system to ensure
employee compliance with the rules that have been set.
PERUMDA Cirebon City must further improve
communication and transparency regarding the complaint handling process,
provide clearer information about the time needed to follow up and improve the
system to be more responsive in handling complaints that have been made by
customers in a timely manner.
Based on the
results of the research and discussion above regarding Customer Complaint
Handling Services at the Regional Public Company of Drinking Water (PERUMDA)
Tirta Giri Nata, Cirebon City, uses the Gesperz Theory (Hardiyansyah, 2011),
which has six indicators, the first of which is regarding timeliness, the
standard time for resolving complaints is not publicly informed to customers.
Complaints about administrative problems are followed up directly, while
technical problems are a maximum of 7 working days. Furthermore, service
accuracy, employees try to provide accurate service according to SOPs.
Employees are thorough and understand customer needs. Then, politeness and
friendliness: the employees are quite polite and friendly, provide clear
information, and help solve problems. Sometimes, employees eat, drink, and
snack outside of break hours. In addition, it is easy to get services, there
are several service counters, waiting times are reasonable, and employees work
efficiently. Various communication channels are available, such as phone,
email, social media, and customer service centres. Regarding the convenience of
getting service, customers feel comfortable with PERUMDA's responsiveness to
complaints and questions. There is a disruption/outage notification system via
SMS or mobile application, as well as service support facilities. The
facilities are quite satisfactory but not friendly for people with
disabilities. It is necessary to improve accessibility for people with
disabilities. The complaint handling service at PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon
City as a whole has been good. However, there are still several aspects that
need to be improved, such as the clarity of information regarding the certainty
of complaint settlement time, the disclosure of standard information on
complaint settlement time to customers, and more friendly facilities for people
with disabilities. By making improvements in these aspects, it is hoped that
the quality of service of PERUMDA Tirta Giri Nata Cirebon City can be further
improved and provide maximum satisfaction to customers.
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